Monday, January 18, 2016

Othello in my own words

The story starts in venice Italy where we meet Iago and Roderigo, Iago took money from Roderigo as arrangement and is upset at "the moor"  which is othello the hero in the army. Iago vows to get revenge, Rodrigo tells desdemonas father that his daughter is marrying othello, her dad confronts othello, othello and desdemona end up having permission to travel together from the duke. Iago makes Cassio make him drink and gets Roderigo to put him in a street fight. Iago gets revenge on Cassio, then makes othello believe his wife is unfaithful, Iago tell othello that desdemona is Cassios lover, othello promotes Iago and asks him to kill Cassio and desdemona. Othello believes the handkerchief is proof that desdemona and Cassio are lovers. He verbally abuses her in front of others, and are shocked at the noble man. Iago manipulated Roderigo into killing Cassio, but goes wrong and Cassio wounds Roderigo, Iago stabs him in the led. Others hear Cassio cry and thinks Iago killed him, he goes home ready to kill desdemona. Iago kills Roderigo and Emilia to Desdemona. Othello reaches desdemona first, kisses her then wakes her and acuses her again, she protests that's she loves him and he smothers her. Iago and others enter, Emilia defends desdemonas innocence, realized Iago is behind it. Othello finds out and tries to kill Iago. Iago kills Emily and leaves, then othello kills himself and Iago is seized and taken away.

Peer assessment othelo

Gustavs group: scene 2:
Excellent 7, because they used voice projection, good stage usage, levels and expression.

Rami's group: scene 3:
Substantial 5, because they used good stage usage and levels, but no voice projection.